Digital Scramble 1
55" x 41"
Digital Scramble 2
18" x 24”
Digital Scramble 3
24" x 34"
Ice Formation
24" x 34”
Plastic & Metal 5
Plastic & Metal 4
24"x 34"
Plastic & Metal 3
Plastic & Metal 2
Crushed Metal
34" x 48”
Crushed Metal 2
48 x 34”
Swimming Pool
48" x 34”
Crushed Chrome
Broken Glass
65 x 57”
Plastic and Metal 1
65" x 57”
Plastic & Metal 6
54" x 41"
paper on canvas
Sutro 65 x 57”
Emulsion 65 x 57”
Line Loop
24 x 36”
Lichen 65 x 57”
Two Lines 10 x 12”
Line Loop 2 36 x 24”
City Grid 6
10" x 12"
Accumulation. 57 x 90”
Equal Opposite Skull 1
12" x10"
City Grid
40" x 54"
Line 5
Line 12
screen printed ink on vinyl
System of Patterns 2
Digital Scramble 4
48" x 34"
System of Patterns 1
60" x 42"
System of Patterns 3
System of Patterns
66 x 48”
12"x 18"
72" x 108"
Screen printed ink on cotton paper
19.5" x 24.5"
Blue Branches